Marcella has been busy writing and producing some amazing music. Her gift of lyric and melody combined with her fresh production will change the face of music.

She has teamed up with a few of the best emerging filmmakers in the business to create beautiful videos to compliment her songs.



Marcella wrote the song EASE about dealing with anxiety. The beauty of music is that it's creation helps the artist express and the sharing helps the world to cope. You can buy the video here.

Metamorphosynth                                                                   &n…

Metamorphosynth                                                                                                                         Photo: Brian Guilliaux


You can give a listen to Marcella's most recent EP, METAMORPHOSYNTH here.

Marcella                                                                     &n…

Marcella                                                                                                        Photo: Blum Photography

singer and songwriter

 To contact Marcella, you can visit her website www.marcellafruehan.com